

C – Context
 What kind of play is it? Does it fall into a particular genre, for example
     comedy or farce?
     The play is modern.
     This play is linked to love, LBGT, breakups and sexuality

 Who is the playwright?
     Mark Ravenhill

 Are they contemporary?
     No its not a contemporary play

 Is the play modern or historical?
     the play is modern

RE – Research - This is what you need to research in order to
     understand the play and create your role fully.
 What are the themes and topics or themes discussed in the play?

For Tom, he dreams about being kissed, he's not sure whether is a man or by a woman, he feels that he should choose pretty quickly. His friends which are homophobic teases about what he did with his friend Amy the other night which leaves Tom with no space to make up his mind. He's got no one to ask for advice.
     Amy is suffocating from a mental illness which means that she doesn't know what she is doing when self harming herself or doing any other stuff to herself. She also has only a mother in the family and what she does is also drink a lot which affects her mental illness extremely.
     Melissa is Amy's younger sister who keeps on losing her stuff and think that Tom and Amy are together, she asks Tom where her iPad went, then she changes the subject by asking Tom if they shagged if not then they should do it.
     Kerry has mental illness by thinking that she is a single mother with a baby but really her baby is not even real, she goes everywhere with the baby and most of the people think that she needs help.

P- Planning
 Script work, how have you broken down the scenes and worked with
At our first practice Rob has told me not to fidget to much and also not to look all over the place while saying the lines. Shenagh told me to project my voice and to make sure its clear and loud.

 What obstacles does your character have to overcome? Discuss the
I think that Amy needs support by someone because she has been self harming herself lately and drinking which puts a lot of damage to her mind and also broke up with Tom which makes her have a not so good life. She should try not to harm herself and not drink to much either to release the stress and pain.

 How did you work as a group?
We used teamwork and shared each others feedback when practicing our lines.

 What will you need for the production – set, costume, props, lighting,
We will need a chair, gloves, hair diy, a bowl of water since it was set as a bathroom. The lights can be dim white since we are only at the bathroom not in the club. For makeup I just done a normal look with foundation, concealer and some mascara. Since I had to do 3 characters in the play I had to organise 3 costumes with different styles of hair and clothing, for Amy I decided to put a plain black t-shirt with half ripped trousers and white trainers, for hair I had my hair back. For Melissa I had a black t shirt with a skinny black jumper over it with flowers at the front of the 2 wrists with trousers and white trainers, the hair is down with no style but a mess. For Kerry I put a black t shirt with a denim coat over it with browsers and white trainers. The hair has been half tied up and half down.

P- Problem Solving - This is during the rehearsals leading up
to the performance.

 What problems arose?
There was a problem with one of the people who wasn't attending college that much and had 2 characters to cover for the play.
 How did you deal with them?
So I volunteered to take a new challenge and act out 3 characters at the same scene. So I started to practice my lines and eventually started to remember them without the lines.
 Were people absent or late?
Taija was absent so I had to take over the characters that I leant for the past few weeks.
 How did that affect the work?
Me and the group wanted everyone to get involved and get to the work to make a masterpiece but she let us down, but its alright because I'm here to help if any other character is not in.
 What did you bring to the piece?
I brought sadness, comedy and different accents from different characters.
 How well did you collaborate with others?
I love working as a team when it comes to performing so it went very well.

E – Evaluation - Of the performance and the process as a whole.
 As i went in the theater i somehow felt bravery, i wasn't nervous at all for some reason. i feel that my confidence has increased a lot today. Taija wasn't in so i managed to take her place and go for it. i had maximally a week to practice the lines.
Being 3 characters with different costumes, different style of hair, different voices was a new challenge for me to accomplish. I am very happy and proud of myself to take the risk to learn the lines and not mess this opportunity up. I feel like i have passed my target for bieng confident and making sure i remember my lines by memories.


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